Friday, April 19, 2013

Google Glass: Modern Technology Mopeds

We've all see the reports about how Google Glass will come with caveats; Google may 'neuter' any Google Glass that is sold or traded without gaining permission to do so in writing. 

Google has confirmed it is barring current buyers of its Google Glass spectacles from passing them on to somebody else. It’s not clear if the restrictions will still apply once the devices go on general sale.

Here's the question: Other than MIT and Stanford grad students, who's really going to wear these ridiculous things? Seriously.

We've seen articles about how Google Glass will be banned in some businesses and locations, like it's some kind of weapon. I get the privacy concerns, but those places aren't banning cellphones with cameras today. Why, all-of-a-sudden, are they getting concerned with privacy?

I can't imagine anyone in their right mind paying $1500+ for "eye tech" that force-feeds everything directly into your retina...except protection from UV rays. 

Why isn't Google partnering with Ray BanOakley or any designer eye wear vendor? These need to be way more attractive before they will be worn en mass. If Google is ever to monetize this kind of technology they need to make them attractive. Which brings me to my point.

Mark my words: Google Glass will be the Moped of modern technology. Totally fun to ride, but no one wants to be caught in the act.

Credit: Geeks are Sexy, Google

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